Select t.Pay_Object_Id, t.Pay_Object_Code, t.Pay_Object_Name, t.Insr_Detail_Code, t.asgn_tenet, t.asgn_order, t.use_pred_insr, Sum(t.Topay_Money) as topay_money, Sum(Pay_Money) as pay_money, Sum(Pred_Money) as pred_money, to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as pay_time, t.corp_type_code From (Select T1.Corp_Id As Pay_Object_Id, T1.Insr_Detail_Code, T1.Corp_Code As Pay_Object_Code, T1.Corp_Name As Pay_Object_Name, T1.asgn_tenet, T1.asgn_order, T1.use_pred_insr, Decode(Sign(T1.pay_Money), -1, T1.pay_Money, Decode(Sign(T1.pay_Money - Decode(Sign(T1.pay_Money), -1, 0, Nvl(T2.Pred_Money, 0))), -1, 0, T1.pay_Money - Decode(Sign(T1.pay_Money), -1, 0, Nvl(T2.Pred_Money, 0)))) As pay_Money, T1.toPay_Money, Nvl(T2.Pred_Money, 0) As Pred_Money, T1.corp_type_code from (select t11.Corp_Id, t11.Corp_Code, t11.Corp_Name, t11.Insr_Detail_Code, sum(t11.Topay_Money) as Topay_Money, t11.corp_type_code, sum(t11.Pay_Money) as Pay_Money, t11.asgn_tenet, t11.asgn_order, t11.use_pred_insr from (Select b.Corp_Id, a.Corp_Code, a.Corp_Name, b.insr_detail_code, a.corp_type_code, Sum(b.Pay_Money - nvl(b.Payed_Money, 0)) As Topay_Money, Sum(b.Pay_Money - nvl(b.Payed_Money, 0)) As Pay_Money, c.asgn_tenet, c.asgn_order, c.use_pred_insr From Bs_Corp a, Lv_Insr_Topay b, lv_scheme_detail c Where a.Corp_Id = b. Corp_Id and ((b.payed_flag = 0 and nvl(b.busi_asg_no, 0) = 0) or (b.payed_flag = 2)) and nvl(b.indi_pay_flag, 0) = 0 and c.scheme_id = 1 and b.insr_detail_code=c.insr_detail_code and not exists (select 'x' from lv_busi_bill lbb, lv_busi_record lbr where b.corp_id = lbr.pay_object_id and lbb.busi_bill_sn = lbr.busi_bill_sn and lbb.pay_object = 1 and lbb.audit_flag = 0) and c.insr_detail_code = b.insr_detail_code and b.calc_prd < = '201508' and b.insr_detail_code in (select distinct insr_detail_code from lv_scheme_detail where scheme_id = 1) and b.topay_type in (select topay_type from lv_busi_type_topay where busi_type = 1) and b.src_type = 1 and a.center_id = '430701' Group By b.Corp_Id, b.Insr_Detail_Code, c.use_pred_insr, a.Corp_Code, a.Corp_Name, a.corp_type_code, c.asgn_tenet, c.asgn_order, c.use_pred_insr) t11 group by t11.Corp_Id, t11.Corp_Code, t11.Corp_Name, t11.Insr_Detail_Code, t11.corp_type_code, t11.asgn_tenet, t11.asgn_order, t11.use_pred_insr) T1, (select t21.corp_id, sum(t21.pred_money) as pred_money, t21.Insr_Detail_Code from (Select a.Corp_Id, decode(c.use_pred_insr, null, b.insr_detail_code, c.use_pred_insr) as Insr_Detail_Code, sum(decode(1, 0, 0, 1, b.Pred_Money)) as pred_money From Bs_Corp a, Lv_Pred_Money b, lv_scheme_detail c Where a.Corp_Id = b.Corp_Id and c.insr_detail_code = b.insr_detail_code and c.scheme_id = 1 and decode(c.use_pred_insr, null, c.insr_detail_code, c.use_pred_insr) = c.insr_detail_code group by a.corp_id, c.use_pred_insr, b.insr_detail_code) t21 group by t21.corp_id, t21.Insr_Detail_Code) T2 Where T1.Corp_Id = T2.Corp_Id(+) And T1.Insr_Detail_Code = T2.Insr_Detail_Code(+)) t where not exists (select 'X' from lv_busi_bill a, lv_busi_record b where a.busi_bill_sn = b.busi_bill_sn and a.audit_flag = 0 and a.pay_object = 1 and b.PAY_OBJECT_ID = t.PAY_OBJECT_ID and b.INSR_DETAIL_CODE = t.insr_detail_code) Group By t.pay_money, t.Pay_Object_Id, t.Pay_Object_Code, t.Pay_Object_Name, t.corp_type_code, t.insr_detail_code, t.asgn_tenet, t.asgn_order, t.use_pred_insr Having Sum(t.pay_Money) = 0 order by t.Pay_Object_Name, t.asgn_order
执行计划中对表lv_busi_record执行全表扫描,该表记录有2000w,这明显是不对,为什么不走索引了,是因为表在设计和创建时就没有创建索引,这个表的数据是不断增加的,前期数据量少,执行全表扫描对性能的影响就根本体现不出来,但随着系统的运行,数据量的增加就会越来越慢。还有就是表lv_scheme_detail和Bs_Corp之间的笛卡尔积,为什么会出现笛卡尔积了,发现两个表之间根本就没有关联条件,一开始还以为开发人员忘记书写了,但经过查询表空间发现,两个表根本就没有可以关联的字段,而最后使用了group by来进行去重。