
SQL> select x.ksppinm NAME,y.ksppstvl value,x.ksppdesc describ

  2  from x$ksppi x, x$ksppcv y
  3  where x.inst_id=USERENV('Instance')
  4  and y.inst_id=USERENV('Instance')
  5  and x.indx=y.indx
  6  and x.ksppinm like '%pool_size%';

NAME                           VALUE                     DESCRIB
------------------------------ ------------------------- ---------------------------------------
_NUMA_pool_size                Not specified             aggregate size in bytes of NUMA pool
__shared_pool_size             1073741824                Actual size in bytes of shared pool
shared_pool_size               1073741824                size in bytes of shared pool
__large_pool_size              117440512                 Actual size in bytes of large pool
large_pool_size                117440512                 size in bytes of large pool
__java_pool_size               134217728                 Actual size in bytes of java pool
java_pool_size                 134217728                 size in bytes of java pool
__streams_pool_size            0                         Actual size in bytes of streams pool
streams_pool_size              0                         size in bytes of the streams pool
_io_shared_pool_size           4194304                   Size of I/O buffer pool from SGA
_backup_io_pool_size           1048576                   memory to reserve from the large pool
global_context_pool_size                                                                                                                                          Global Application Context Pool Size in Bytes
olap_page_pool_size            0                         size of the olap page pool in bytes

13 rows selected

通过create pfile from spfile我们可以看到如下内容:

*.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=jingyongXDB)'


SQL> select component,current_size,min_size,last_oper_type,last_oper_mode,last_oper_time from v$sga_dynamic_components;

COMPONENT                                                        CURRENT_SIZE   MIN_SIZE LAST_OPER_TYPE LAST_OPER_MODE LAST_OPER_TIME
---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- -------------- -------------- --------------
shared pool                                                        1124073472 1073741824 SHRINK         DEFERRED       2012-12-27 16:
large pool                                                          117440512  117440512 STATIC
java pool                                                           134217728  134217728 STATIC
streams pool                                                                0          0 STATIC
DEFAULT buffer cache                                              11442061312 1114007142 GROW           DEFERRED       2012-12-27 16:
KEEP buffer cache                                                    50331648   50331648 STATIC
RECYCLE buffer cache                                                        0          0 STATIC
DEFAULT 2K buffer cache                                                     0          0 STATIC
DEFAULT 4K buffer cache                                                     0          0 STATIC
DEFAULT 8K buffer cache                                                     0          0 STATIC
DEFAULT 16K buffer cache                                                    0          0 STATIC
DEFAULT 32K buffer cache                                                    0          0 STATIC
ASM Buffer Cache                                                            0          0 STATIC

