从oracle9i开始,oracle开始提供回闪查询特性(flashback query),允许将回滚段中的数据进行回闪,通过下面的例子来看一下这个从oracle9i开始提供的新特性.
SQL> update emp set sal=4000 where empno=7788; 1 row updated. SQL> update emp set sal=4000 where empno=7782; 1 row updated. SQL> update emp set sal=4000 where empno=7698; 1 row updated.
SQL> select xidusn,xidslot,xidsqn,ubablk,ubafil,ubarec from v$transaction; XIDUSN XIDSLOT XIDSQN UBABLK UBAFIL UBAREC ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 9 29 385 1350 2 22
SQL> select usn,writes,rssize,xacts,hwmsize,shrinks,wraps from v$rollstat; USN WRITES RSSIZE XACTS HWMSIZE SHRINKS WRAPS ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 0 7620 385024 0 385024 0 0 1 21390 29351936 0 29351936 0 0 2 22108 3268608 0 3268608 0 0 3 29954 450560 0 450560 0 0 4 23700 843776 0 843776 0 0 5 23334 450560 0 450560 0 0 6 21082 450560 0 450560 0 0 7 23146 2285568 0 2285568 0 0 8 28742 843776 0 843776 0 1 9 22648 2088960 1 2088960 0 0 10 24326 2220032 0 2220032 0 0 11 rows selected.
这是执行alter system dump datafile 2 block 1350
*----------------------------- * Rec #0x1d slt: 0x24 objn: 517(0x00000205) objd: 517 tblspc: 0(0x00000000) * Layer: 11 (Row) opc: 1 rci 0x00 Undo type: Regular undo Begin trans Last buffer split: No Temp Object: No Tablespace Undo: No rdba: 0x00000000 *----------------------------- uba: 0x00800546.0129.1b ctl max scn: 0x0000.000e4e9c prv tx scn: 0x0000.000e4ea6 txn start scn: scn: 0x0000.000e7526 logon user: 0 prev brb: 8389956 prev bcl: 0 KDO undo record: KTB Redo op: 0x04 ver: 0x01 op: L itl: xid: 0x0006.016.0000015d uba: 0x00800419.00fe.11 flg: C--- lkc: 0 scn: 0x0000.000e7524 KDO Op code: URP row dependencies Disabled xtype: XAxtype KDO_KDOM2 flags: 0x00000080 bdba: 0x0040100f hdba: 0x00401001 itli: 2 ispac: 0 maxfr: 4863 tabn: 0 slot: 116(0x74) flag: 0x2c lock: 0 ckix: 191 ncol: 9 nnew: 7 size: 0 Vector content: col 2: [ 2] c1 0a col 3: [ 2] c1 0a col 4: [ 1] 80 col 5: [ 1] 80 col 6: [ 1] 80 col 7: [ 1] 80 col 8: [ 7] 78 71 01 07 0b 07 34
先注意到这里存在一个信息ctl max scn: 0x0000.000e4e9c,这个转换为scn值就是:
SQL> select (to_number('000','xxxx')*power(2,32)+to_number('e4e9c','xxxxxxxx')) scn from dual; SCN ---------- 937628
SQL> select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number scn from dual; SCN ---------- 949630 SQL>
通过特定的语法,可以将scn 937628的历史状态数据查询出来:
SQL> select * from scott.emp as of scn 937628 where empno in(7788,7782,7698); EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO ----- ---------- --------- ----- ----------- --------- --------- ------ 7698 BLAKE MANAGER 7839 1981-5-1 2850.00 30 7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 1981-6-9 2450.00 10 7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 1987-4-19 10.00 20
SQL> select * from scott.emp where empno in(7788,7782,7698); EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO ----- ---------- --------- ----- ----------- --------- --------- ------ 7698 BLAKE MANAGER 7839 1981-5-1 4000.00 30 7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 1981-6-9 4000.00 10 7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 1987-4-19 4000.00 20
SQL> create undo tablespace undotbs2 datafile 2 '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/jingyong/undotbs02.dbf' size 10M; Tablespace created SQL> alter system set undo_tablespace=undotbs2; System altered. SQL> alter tablespace undotbs1 offline; Tablespace altered. SQL> alter session set events='immediate trace name flush_cache'; Session altered.
SQL> select * from scott.emp as of scn 937628 where empno in(7788,7782,7698); select * from scott.emp as of scn 937628 where empno in(7788,7782,7698) ORA-00376: file 2 cannot be read at this time ORA-01110: data file 2: '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/jingyong/undotbs01.dbf'
SQL> alter tablespace undotbs1 online; Tablespace altered. SQL> alter system set undo_tablespace=undotbs1; System altered.
SQL> select * from scott.emp as of scn 937628 where empno in(7788,7782,7698); EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO ----- ---------- --------- ----- ----------- --------- --------- ------ 7698 BLAKE MANAGER 7839 1981-5-1 2850.00 30 7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 1981-6-9 2450.00 10 7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 1987-4-19 10.00 20
SQL> select usn,xacts,rssize,hwmsize from v$rollstat where usn=9; USN XACTS RSSIZE HWMSIZE ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 9 0 2088960 2088960 SQL> begin 2 for i in 1..2000 loop 3 update scott.emp set sal=4000; 4 rollback; 5 end loop; 6 end; 7 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select usn,xacts,rssize,hwmsize from v$rollstat where usn=9; USN XACTS RSSIZE HWMSIZE ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 9 1 4186112 4186112
SQL> select * from scott.emp as of scn 937628 where empno in(7788,7782,7698); select * from scott.emp as of scn 937628 where empno in(7788,7782,7698) ERROR at line 1: ORA-01555: snapshot too old:rollback segment number 9 with name "_SYSSMU9$" too small
OS Pid: 2928 executed alter session set events '1555 trace name errorstack level 4' ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: bnaqc462nnjtb, Query Duration=0 sec, SCN: 0x0000.00068478): Mon Jan 7 20:23:35 2013 select * from scott.emp as of scn 427128 where empno in(7788,7782,7698) Mon Jan 7 20:23:35 2013 Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/jingyong/udump/jingyong_ora_2928.trc: ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 3 with name "???" too small
ksedmp: internal or fatal error ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 3 with name "???" too small Current SQL statement for this session: select * from scott.emp as of scn 427128 where empno in(7788,7782,7698)
Block header dump: 0x01000024 Object id on Block? Y seg/obj: 0xc7cd csc: 0x00.6bfcb itc: 2 flg: E typ: 2 - INDEX brn: 0 bdba: 0x1000021 ver: 0x01 opc: 0 inc: 0 exflg: 0 Itl Xid Uba Flag Lck Scn/Fsc 0x01 0x0000.000.00000000 0x00000000.0000.00 ---- 0 fsc 0x0000.00000000 0x02 0x0003.011.000000f2 0x00805794.00c8.4a --U- 14 fsc 0x0000.0006bfdb
oracle 10g回闪查询特性的增强
回闪版本查询(flashback versions query)
回闪事务查询(flashback transaction query)
SQL> create table test as select username from dba_users; Table created. SQL> select * from test; USERNAME ------------------------------ MGMT_VIEW SYS SYSTEM DBSNMP SYSMAN SCOTT JYTEST1 JYTEST OUTLN MDSYS ORDSYS USERNAME ------------------------------ EXFSYS DMSYS WMSYS CTXSYS ANONYMOUS XDB ORDPLUGINS SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA OLAPSYS TSMSYS BI USERNAME ------------------------------ PM MDDATA IX SH DIP OE HR 29 rows selected. SQL> delete from test where username='BI'; 1 row deleted. SQL> delete from test where username='JYTEST1'; 1 row deleted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> select * from test; USERNAME ------------------------------ MGMT_VIEW SYS SYSTEM DBSNMP SYSMAN SCOTT JYTEST OUTLN MDSYS ORDSYS EXFSYS USERNAME ------------------------------ DMSYS WMSYS CTXSYS ANONYMOUS XDB ORDPLUGINS SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA OLAPSYS TSMSYS PM MDDATA USERNAME ------------------------------ IX SH DIP OE HR 27 rows selected.
SQL> update test set username='JYTEST1' where username='JYTEST'; 1 row updated. SQL> delete from test where username='IX'; 1 row deleted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> select * from test; USERNAME ------------------------------ MGMT_VIEW SYS SYSTEM DBSNMP SYSMAN SCOTT JYTEST1 OUTLN MDSYS ORDSYS EXFSYS USERNAME ------------------------------ DMSYS WMSYS CTXSYS ANONYMOUS XDB ORDPLUGINS SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA OLAPSYS TSMSYS PM MDDATA USERNAME ------------------------------ SH DIP OE HR JY 27 rows selected.
SQL> select versions_starttime,versions_endtime,versions_xid,versions_operation, 2 username from test versions between timestamp minvalue and maxvalue; VERSIONS_STARTTIME VERSIONS_ENDTIME VERSIONS_XID VERSIONS_OPERATION USERNAME --------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------- ------------------ ---------------------- -------- 07-1月 -13 11.07.58 下午 0300150096010000 I JY 07-1月 -13 11.06.46 下午 06002B0093010000 D IX 07-1月 -13 11.06.46 下午 06002B0093010000 U JYTEST1 07-1月 -13 11.05.22 下午 05001E00A7010000 D JYTEST1 07-1月 -13 11.05.22 下午 05001E00A7010000 D BI MGMT_VIEW SYS SYSTEM DBSNMP SYSMAN SCOTT 07-1月 -13 11.05.22 下午 JYTEST1 07-1月 -13 11.06.46 下午 JYTEST OUTLN MDSYS ORDSYS EXFSYS DMSYS WMSYS CTXSYS VERSIONS_STARTTIME VERSIONS_ENDTIME VERSIONS_XID VERSIONS_OPERATION USERNAME --------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------- ------------------ ---------------------- -------- ANONYMOUS XDB ORDPLUGINS SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA OLAPSYS TSMSYS 07-1月 -13 11.05.22 下午 BI PM MDDATA 07-1月 -13 11.06.46 下午 IX SH DIP OE HR 34 rows selected
具备了flashback version query查询的基础,就可以进行基于flashback version query的事务级恢复了.
这就是flashback transaction query, flashback transaction query可以从flashback transaction query
transaction query需要用到flashback_transaction_query视图,先看一下视图:
SQL> desc flashback_transaction_query Name Type Nullable Default Comments ---------------- -------------- -------- ------- ----------------------------------------- XID RAW(8) Y Transaction identifier START_SCN NUMBER Y Transaction start SCN START_TIMESTAMP DATE Y Transaction start timestamp COMMIT_SCN NUMBER Y Transaction commit SCN COMMIT_TIMESTAMP DATE Y Transaction commit timestamp LOGON_USER VARCHAR2(30) Y Logon user for transaction UNDO_CHANGE# NUMBER Y 1-based undo change number OPERATION VARCHAR2(32) Y forward operation for this undo TABLE_NAME VARCHAR2(256) Y table name to which this undo applies TABLE_OWNER VARCHAR2(32) Y owner of table to which this undo applies ROW_ID VARCHAR2(19) Y rowid to which this undo applies UNDO_SQL VARCHAR2(4000) Y SQL corresponding to this undo
select xid, start_scn, start_timestamp, decode(commit_scn, 0, commit_scn, 281474976710655, NULL, commit_scn) commit_scn, commit_timestamp, logon_user, undo_change#, operation, table_name, table_owner, row_id, undo_sql from sys.x$ktuqqry;
SQL> select count(addr) from x$ktuqqry; COUNT(ADDR) ----------- 74786
SQL> set autotrace on SQL> select undo_sql from flashback_transaction_query where xid='0300150096010000'; UNDO_SQL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- delete from "SYS"."TEST" where ROWID = 'AAAM3VAABAAAO9KAAd'; Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- Plan hash value: 1115820779 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 2008 | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | FIXED TABLE FULL| X$KTUQQRY | 1 | 2008 | 0 (0)| 00:00:01 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 1 - filter(RAWTOHEX("XID")='0300150096010000') Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------- 90926 recursive calls 0 db block gets 238964 consistent gets 21783 physical reads 0 redo size 506 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 385 bytes received via SQL*Net from client 2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client 4115 sorts (memory) 0 sorts (disk) 2 rows processed