

[dmdba@shard1 ~]$ cat prod.dat
1001,DaMeng Database,Server,25,45.45,14.32,Redwood Shores,Reston,
1002,DaMeng Database,Server,15,55.78,50.10,Redwood Shores,Reston,2014-02-14


[dmdba@shard1 ~]$ cat prod.ctl
load data
infile '/home/dmdba/prod.dat'
into table test_load
fields ','


create table test_load
(prodid int,
prodname varchar(40),
code varchar(30),
reorder int,
cost int,
price int,
prisrc varchar(30),
secsrc varchar(30),
obsoleteddate date


[dmdba@shard1 ~]$ dmfldr sysdba/xxzx7817600 control='/home/dmdba/prod.ctl'
dmfldr V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT 
error occured during getting control input.Make sure the input is embraced by charactor '


[dmdba@shard1 ~]$ dmfldr sysdba/xxzx7817600 control=\'/home/dmdba/prod.ctl\' skip=1
dmfldr V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT 

Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Dameng.  All rights reserved.

Control file:

Loaded rows:All

Rows per commit to server: 50000

 Rows to skip: 1

 Errors count allowed: 100

 Whether to load direct: Yes

 Whether insert self-increase col: No

 Whether data has sort by gather index: No

 Character sets:GBK

Data file counts: 1

Error file :fldr.bad

Dest table :TEST_LOAD

Column Name                                                                                                                      Packed data type     End
PRODID                                                                                                                           CHARACTER            ,
PRODNAME                                                                                                                         CHARACTER            ,
CODE                                                                                                                             CHARACTER            ,
REORDER                                                                                                                          CHARACTER            ,
COST                                                                                                                             CHARACTER            ,
PRICE                                                                                                                            CHARACTER            ,
PRISRC                                                                                                                           CHARACTER            ,
SECSRC                                                                                                                           CHARACTER            ,
OBSOLETEDDATE                                                                                                                    CHARACTER            ,

row buffer number is 4
task thread number is 4
2 rows committed.

Dest table :TEST_LOAD
2 Rows loaded success
Due to data format error, 0 rows abandon
Due to data error, 0 rows not loaded

Skip logic record counts: 1
Read logic record counts: 2
Refuse logic record counts: 0

The total time used: 26.677(ms)


[dmdba@shard1 ~]$ dmfldr sysdba/xxzx7817600 control=\'\/home\/dmdba\/prod.ctl\' skip=1
dmfldr V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT 

Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Dameng.  All rights reserved.

Control file:

Loaded rows:All

Rows per commit to server: 50000

 Rows to skip: 1

 Errors count allowed: 100

 Whether to load direct: Yes

 Whether insert self-increase col: No

 Whether data has sort by gather index: No

 Character sets:GBK

Data file counts: 1

Error file :fldr.bad

Dest table :TEST_LOAD

Column Name                                                                                                                      Packed data type     End
PRODID                                                                                                                           CHARACTER            ,
PRODNAME                                                                                                                         CHARACTER            ,
CODE                                                                                                                             CHARACTER            ,
REORDER                                                                                                                          CHARACTER            ,
COST                                                                                                                             CHARACTER            ,
PRICE                                                                                                                            CHARACTER            ,
PRISRC                                                                                                                           CHARACTER            ,
SECSRC                                                                                                                           CHARACTER            ,
OBSOLETEDDATE                                                                                                                    CHARACTER            ,

row buffer number is 4
task thread number is 4
2 rows committed.

Dest table :TEST_LOAD
2 Rows loaded success
Due to data format error, 0 rows abandon
Due to data error, 0 rows not loaded

Skip logic record counts: 1
Read logic record counts: 2
Refuse logic record counts: 0

The total time used: 30.680(ms)

