1) 创建一个数据库D1。
2) 操作数据库并执行数据库备份B1。
3) 继续操作数据库的过程中数据库故障,此时生成的归档为A1。
4) 利用备份B1和归档A1将数据库D1恢复到目标库D2,此时数据库D2为D1故障前的状态。
5) 启动数据库D2,操作数据库过程中数据库第二次故障,此时生成的归档为A2。
1) 创建源库D1,即待备份的数据库,然后启动数据库并配置归档,归档目录为1) 创建源库D1,即待备份的数据库,然后启动数据库并配置归档,归档目录为/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d1_arch。
[dmdba@shard1 data]$ dminit path=/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data db_name=d1 instance_name=d1 port_num=5237 unicode_flag=0 initdb V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT db version: 0x7000a file dm.key not found, use default license! License will expire on 2020-07-03 log file path: /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d1/d101.log log file path: /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d1/d102.log write to dir [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d1]. create dm database success. 2020-06-19 16:47:51 [root@shard1 root]# ./dm_service_installer.sh -i /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d1/dm.ini -p d1 -t dmserver ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/DmServiced1.service' '/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/DmServiced1.service' Finished to create the service (DmServiced1) [root@shard1 root]# service DmServiced1 start Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start DmServiced1.service
[dmdba@shard1 ~]$ disql SYSDBA/SYSDBA@localhost:5237 Server[localhost:5237]:mode is normal, state is open login used time: 9.972(ms) disql V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT Connected to: DM SQL> alter database mount; executed successfully used time: 00:00:01.845. Execute id is 0. SQL> alter database add archivelog 'dest=/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d1_arch,type=local,file_size=256,space_limit=10240'; executed successfully used time: 22.257(ms). Execute id is 0. SQL> alter database archivelog; executed successfully used time: 31.716(ms). Execute id is 0. SQL> alter database open; executed successfully used time: 823.762(ms). Execute id is 0. SQL> select permanent_magic; LINEID PERMANENT_MAGIC ---------- --------------- 1 -836921674 used time: 2.193(ms). Execute id is 807. SQL> select db_magic from v$rlog; LINEID DB_MAGIC ---------- ----------- 1 -811309012 used time: 1.365(ms). Execute id is 808.
2) 操作数据库的同时备份数据库,备份集为B1。此处以向表中循环插入数据为例操作数据库。
SQL> create table tab_for_recover_01(c1 int); executed successfully used time: 22.960(ms). Execute id is 809. SQL> begin 2 for i in 1 .. 100000 loop 3 insert into tab_for_recover_01 values(i); 4 end loop; 5 commit; 6 end; 7 / DMSQL executed successfully used time: 00:00:01.612. Execute id is 810.
SQL> backup database full to b1 backupset '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/backup/b1' device type disk backupinfo 'dameng database full backup online' maxpiecesize 2048; executed successfully used time: 00:00:01.920. Execute id is 813.
3) 继续向数据库插入数据一段时间后杀掉服务器,模拟服务器故障。从备份后到服务器故障这段时间的生成的归档称为A1。
SQL> begin 2 for i in 100001 .. 199999 loop 3 insert into tab_for_recover_01 values(i); 4 end loop; 5 commit; 6 end; 7 / DMSQL executed successfully used time: 00:00:01.633. Execute id is 814. [root@shard1 root]# ps -ef | grep dmserver dmdba 9749 1 1 16:49 ? 00:00:09 /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/bin/dmserver /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d1/dm.ini -noconsole root 13497 9392 0 17:03 pts/11 00:00:00 grep --color=auto dmserver [root@shard1 root]# kill -9 9749 [root@shard1 root]# ps -ef | grep dmserver root 13598 9392 0 17:04 pts/11 00:00:00 grep --color=auto dmserver
4) 创建目标库D2,即待还原的库,并配置归档(参考3.1.2小节),归档目录与数据库D1相同。
[dmdba@shard1 data]$ dminit path=/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data db_name=d2 instance_name=d2 port_num=5238 unicode_flag=0 initdb V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT db version: 0x7000a file dm.key not found, use default license! License will expire on 2020-07-03 log file path: /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/d201.log log file path: /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/d202.log write to dir [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2]. create dm database success. 2020-06-19 17:11:54 [root@shard1 root]# ./dm_service_installer.sh -i /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/dm.ini -p d2 -t dmserver ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/DmServiced2.service' '/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/DmServiced2.service' Finished to create the service (DmServiced2) [root@shard1 root]# service DmServiced2 start Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start DmServiced2.service [dmdba@shard1 ~]$ disql SYSDBA/SYSDBA@localhost:5238 Server[localhost:5238]:mode is normal, state is open login used time: 9.862(ms) disql V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT Connected to: DM SQL> alter database mount; executed successfully used time: 00:00:01.844. Execute id is 0. SQL> alter database add archivelog 'dest=/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2_arch,type=local,file_size=256,space_limit=10240'; executed successfully used time: 40.105(ms). Execute id is 0. SQL> alter database archivelog; executed successfully used time: 31.716(ms). Execute id is 0. SQL> alter database open; executed successfully used time: 675.370(ms). Execute id is 0.
5) 启动DMRMAN工具,利用备份集B1和归档A1恢复数据库D2到D1故障前的状态。
[root@shard1 root]# service DmServiced2 stop Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop DmServiced2.service RMAN> restore database '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/dm.ini' from backupset '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/backup/b1'; restore database '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/dm.ini' from backupset '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/backup/b1'; file dm.key not found, use default license! checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[4]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[3]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[2]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[1]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[0]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running, write dmrman info. RESTORE DATABASE CHECK...... RESTORE DATABASE , dbf collect...... RESTORE DATABASE , dbf refresh ...... RESTORE BACKUPSET [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/backup/b1] START...... total 3 packages processed... RESTORE DATABASE , UPDATE ctl file...... RESTORE DATABASE , REBUILD key file...... RESTORE DATABASE , CHECK db info...... RESTORE DATABASE , UPDATE db info...... total 4 packages processed! CMD END.CODE:[0] restore successfully. time used: 15382.524(ms) RMAN> recover database '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/dm.ini' with archivedir '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d1_arch'; recover database '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/dm.ini' with archivedir '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d1_arch'; checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[4]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[3]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[2]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[1]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[0]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running, write dmrman info. EP[0] max_lsn: 134425 total redo pages:32768 EP[0] Recover LSN from 134426 to 235404. Recover from archive log finished, time used:0.910s. recover successfully! time used: 8038.102(ms)
[root@shard1 root]# service DmServiced2 start Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start DmServiced2.service [dmdba@shard1 ~]$ disql SYSDBA/SYSDBA@localhost:5238 Server[localhost:5238]:mode is normal, state is open login used time: 9.853(ms) disql V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT Connected to: DM SConnected to: DM SQL> select permanent_magic; LINEID PERMANENT_MAGIC ---------- --------------- 1 -836921674 used time: 2.479(ms). Execute id is 3. SQL> select db_magic from v$rlog; LINEID DB_MAGIC ---------- ----------- 1 1621992964 used time: 1.784(ms). Execute id is 4.
SQL> select count(*) from tab_for_recover_01; LINEID COUNT(*) ---------- -------------------- 1 199999 used time: 1.256(ms). Execute id is 5. SQL> begin 2 for i in 200000 .. 300000 loop 3 insert into tab_for_recover_01 values(i); 4 end loop; 5 commit; 6 end; 7 / DMSQL executed successfully used time: 00:00:01.274. Execute id is 7.
7) 插入数据一段时间后,杀掉服务器,模拟服务器第二次故障。数据库D2启动到第二次故障之间产生的归档为A2。
SQL> select count(*) from tab_for_recover_01; LINEID COUNT(*) ---------- -------------------- 1 300000 used time: 0.387(ms). Execute id is 8. [root@shard1 root]# ps -ef | grep dmserver dmdba 23093 1 1 17:49 ? 00:00:01 /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/bin/dmserver /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/dm.ini -noconsole root 23629 9392 0 17:51 pts/11 00:00:00 grep --color=auto dmserver [root@shard1 root]# kill -9 23093 [root@shard1 root]# ps -ef | grep dmserver root 23701 9392 0 17:51 pts/11 00:00:00 grep --color=auto dmserver
8) 恢复目标库D2到第一次故障前的状态。恢复一次,目标库的DB_MAGIC都会改变,因此归档A1、A2的DB_MAGIC不同,属于不同的数据库。第一次恢复只能先重做归档A1,即恢复到第一次故障前的状态。
RMAN> restore database '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/dm.ini' from backupset '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/backup/b1'; restore database '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/dm.ini' from backupset '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/backup/b1'; file dm.key not found, use default license! checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[4]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[3]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[2]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[1]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[0]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running, write dmrman info. RESTORE DATABASE CHECK...... RESTORE DATABASE , dbf collect...... RESTORE DATABASE , dbf refresh ...... RESTORE BACKUPSET [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/backup/b1] START...... total 3 packages processed... RESTORE DATABASE , UPDATE ctl file...... RESTORE DATABASE , REBUILD key file...... RESTORE DATABASE , CHECK db info...... RESTORE DATABASE , UPDATE db info...... total 4 packages processed! CMD END.CODE:[0] restore successfully. time used: 13519.050(ms) RMAN> recover database '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/dm.ini' with archivedir '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d1_arch'; recover database '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/dm.ini' with archivedir '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d1_arch'; checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[4]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[3]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[2]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[1]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[0]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running, write dmrman info. EP[0] max_lsn: 134425 total redo pages:32768 total redo pages:50909 total redo pages:25326 EP[0] Recover LSN from 134426 to 339536. Recover from archive log finished, time used:1.557s. recover successfully! time used: 8040.986(ms)
9) 查看归档A2的DB_MAGIC。
[dmdba@shard1 d2_arch]$ ls -lrt 总用量 12800 -rw-r--r-- 1 dmdba dinstall 13093376 6月 19 17:51 ARCHIVE_LOCAL1_20200619174912579_0.log -rw-r--r-- 1 dmdba dinstall 268435456 6月 19 17:51 ARCHIVE_LOCAL1_20200619175139125_0.log [dmdba@shard1 d2_arch]$ dmrachk arch_fil=/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2_arch/ARCHIVE_LOCAL1_20200619174912579_0.log rachk V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT /*******************************************************************/ archive file /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2_arch/ARCHIVE_LOCAL1_20200619174912579_0.log itemize. version : 0x7004 status : INACTIVE n_rpags : 25565 db_magic : 1621992964 pemnt_magic : -836921674 arch_lsn : 339537 arch_seq : 0 clsn : 442123 next_seq : 25564 file len : 13093376 file free : 13093376 create time : 2020-06-19 17:49:12 close time : 2020-06-19 17:51:39 crc_check : TRUE /*******************************************************************/ The SUMMARY(seqno[0]): total files: 1 okey files: 1 fail file: 0 repeat file: 0 the rachk tool running cost 0.691 ms [dmdba@shard1 d2_arch]$ dmrachk arch_fil=/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2_arch/ARCHIVE_LOCAL1_20200619175139125_0.log rachk V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT /*******************************************************************/ archive file /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2_arch/ARCHIVE_LOCAL1_20200619175139125_0.log itemize. version : 0x7004 status : ACTIVE n_rpags : 0 db_magic : 1621992964 pemnt_magic : -836921674 arch_lsn : 0 arch_seq : 0 clsn : 0 next_seq : 0 file len : 268435456 file free : 4096 create time : 2020-06-19 17:51:39 close time : 2020-06-19 17:51:39 crc_check : TRUE /*******************************************************************/ check archive file /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2_arch/ARCHIVE_LOCAL1_20200619175139125_0.log, encounter 1 error, as follow: the archive file /dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2_arch/ARCHIVE_LOCAL1_20200619175139125_0.log encounter no data. The SUMMARY(seqno[0]): total files: 1 okey files: 0 fail file: 1 repeat file: 0 the rachk tool running cost 0.267 ms
10) 修改目标库D2的DB_MAGIC与归档A2一致。若要利用归档恢复,必须保证数据库的DB_MAGIC与归档的DB_MAGIC一致。由步骤8的查询可知,归档A2的DB_MAGIC为1449535319。修改数据库的DB_MAGIC需要修改SYSTEM.DBF和DAMENG_FOR_RES01.log两个文件,步骤如下:
[dmdba@shard1 d2_arch]$ dmmdf type=1 file=/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/SYSTEM.DBF dmmdf V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT ********************************************************** 1 db_magic=-779140962 2 next_trxid=1127 3 pemnt_magic=-836921674 ********************************************************** Please input which parameter you want to change(1-3), q to quit: 1 Please input new value: 1621992964 ********************************************************** 1 db_magic=1621992964 2 next_trxid=1127 3 pemnt_magic=-836921674 ********************************************************** Do you want to save the change to file (y/n): y Save to file success!
[dmdba@shard1 d2_arch]$ dmmdf type=2 file=/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/d201.log dmmdf V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT ********************************************************** 1 sig = DMRLOG 2 ver = 7004 3 chksum = 0 4 dbversion = 0x7000a 5 sta = 1 6 n_magic = 14 7 db_magic = -779140962 8 clsn_fil = 0 10 next_seq = 0 11 arch_seq = 0 12 len = 268435456 13 free = 4096 14 clsn = 339536 15 clsn_off = 4096 16 arch_lsn = 0 17 pemnt_magic = -836921674 18 fil_id = 0 19 crc_check = 1 ********************************************************** You can only reset sta(5) or db_magic (7) or clsn (14) or pemnt_magic(17) or fil_id(18). Please input the num which one you want to change, q to quit: 7 Input the new value: 1621992964 ********************************************************** 1 sig = DMRLOG 2 ver = 7004 3 chksum = 0 4 dbversion = 0x7000a 5 sta = 1 6 n_magic = 14 7 db_magic = 1621992964 8 clsn_fil = 0 10 next_seq = 0 11 arch_seq = 0 12 len = 268435456 13 free = 4096 14 clsn = 339536 15 clsn_off = 4096 16 arch_lsn = 0 17 pemnt_magic = -836921674 18 fil_id = 0 19 crc_check = 1 ********************************************************** Do you want to quit and save the change to file (y/n): y Save to file success!
[dmdba@shard1 d2_arch]$ dmmdf type=2 file=/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/d202.log dmmdf V7.1.6.46-Build(2018.02.08-89107)ENT ********************************************************** 1 sig = DMRLOG 2 ver = 7004 3 chksum = 0 4 dbversion = 0x7000a 5 sta = 0 6 n_magic = 14 7 db_magic = -779140962 8 clsn_fil = 0 10 next_seq = 0 11 arch_seq = 0 12 len = 268435456 13 free = 4096 14 clsn = 0 15 clsn_off = 0 16 arch_lsn = 0 17 pemnt_magic = -836921674 18 fil_id = 1 19 crc_check = 1 ********************************************************** You can only reset sta(5) or db_magic (7) or clsn (14) or pemnt_magic(17) or fil_id(18). Please input the num which one you want to change, q to quit: 7 Input the new value: 1621992964 ********************************************************** 1 sig = DMRLOG 2 ver = 7004 3 chksum = 0 4 dbversion = 0x7000a 5 sta = 0 6 n_magic = 14 7 db_magic = 1621992964 8 clsn_fil = 0 10 next_seq = 0 11 arch_seq = 0 12 len = 268435456 13 free = 4096 14 clsn = 0 15 clsn_off = 0 16 arch_lsn = 0 17 pemnt_magic = -836921674 18 fil_id = 1 19 crc_check = 1 ********************************************************** Do you want to quit and save the change to file (y/n): y Save to file success!
11) 利用归档A2恢复数据库至第二次故障前的状态。
RMAN> recover database '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/dm.ini' with archivedir '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2_arch'; recover database '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2/dm.ini' with archivedir '/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2_arch'; checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[4]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[3]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[2]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[1]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running...[0]. checking if the database under system path [/dm_home/dmdba/dmdbms/data/d2] is running, write dmrman info. EP[0] max_lsn: 339536 EP[0] Recover LSN from 339537 to 442123. Recover from archive log finished, time used:1.077s. recover successfully! time used: 8048.396(ms)
[root@shard1 root]# service DmServiced2 start Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start DmServiced2.service SQL> select count(*) from tab_for_recover_01; LINEID COUNT(*) ---------- -------------------- 1 300000 used time: 3.022(ms). Execute id is 3.